WQ89142 (w) Tabled on 22/09/2023

Why are social carers not included with NHS workers as part of the cohort who are able to receive the flu vaccination and the COVID-19 vaccination in the same setting?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 04/10/2023

Social carers are eligible for both a COVID-19 booster and flu vaccine this winter and they are strongly encouraged to take up their vaccination offers to protect themselves and those they care for.

Health boards in Wales are responsible for the deployment of the Winter Respiratory Vaccination Programme. Co-administration of the COVID-19 and flu vaccines is advised for those eligible, where supply allows and where appropriate and operationally feasible to do so, whilst avoiding any delay to the administration of either vaccine.

As social carers may be dispersed in the community as opposed to being hospital based, health boards are adopting flexible delivery models, tailored to maximising up take of both of these crucial vaccines.