WQ88927 (e) Tabled on 02/10/2023

Further to WQ88782, will the Commission provide a breakdown of how many people they engaged with at each event respectively and how the term engaged with is quantified in this context?

Answered by Senedd Commission | Answered on 25/10/2023

The Senedd employs a variety of methods to engage the citizens of Wales in the democratic process. The Communications and Engagement Team use evidence, research, shared best practice and expertise to evaluate which method is the most efficient and effective for the audience.  These methods may vary depending on the message, the audience, and the political context, as well as the appropriate deployment of human and financial resource.

It's important for citizens to stay informed, to actively participate in the democratic process, and to choose the methods that align with their goals and values. The Senedd Commission approved the latest Communications and Engagement Strategy which puts emphasis on trying to reach lesser engaged audiences, both geographically and demographically.

Over the summer months, the Senedd’s engagement methods encompasses a range of activities aimed at involving citizens in the democratic process, these include a combination of digital and in-person methods. Social Media impressions / reach is the number of times the content is seen across our platforms. In person interactions include visitors to the Senedd stand, taking part in an activity or conversation with a member of staff or Senedd Member, or visiting our estate.


In person



2,664 visitors who engaged with a member of staff on the WYP stand

13,308 reach / Impressions



6,114 impressions

Urban Games

39 attendees to event at Senedd

1,268 reach


370 visitors who engaged with a member of staff at WYP booth

9,597 Impressions

National Eisteddfod

3,086 visitors who engaged with a member of staff on Senedd stand including those who attended an event with Llywydd and First Minister (115)*

52,446 reach/impressions (supported by paid ads at a cost of approximately 0.22p per click)

Butetown Carnival

9,541 visitors to the estate over the summer of which

1,893 Visitors to the estate over the carnival weekend (247 of which to Senedd events)

26,851 reach




The summer engagement activity forms part of a broader annual programme of outreach and engagement, all of which’s methods are tailored and targeted. By integrating digital and in-person methods of democratic engagement, the Senedd can reach a broader and more diverse audience, foster informed citizen participation, and strengthen the democratic process. These approaches recognise the importance of meeting people where they are, whether online or in their communities.

This is why our Communications and Engagement Strategy also places greater emphasis on gathering data to strengthen audience insight and improve understanding of the impact of our work.

We’re conducting audience research to gather insights into knowledge and public perception of the Senedd. The latest survey found 97% were aware of the Senedd, with 64% recognising how issues close to them are affected by Welsh laws.

We’ve also introduced new ways of capturing feedback from audiences – like customer surveys for visitors and attendees at our events. For example, in the past year, 70% of visitors who completed surveys said they had not engaged with the Senedd previously. 73% of visitors who filled out they survey said their understanding of the Senedd had increased after their visit, while 54% said they were more likely to participate in the Senedd’s work following their visit.