WQ88924 (e) Tabled on 30/08/2023

What discussions has the Welsh Government had with Transport for Wales regarding cancellations and delays on the Heart of Wales railway service over the summer 2023 period?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 07/09/2023

I have regular discussions with Transport for Wales, including about performance. I am aware of cancellations and delays on the Heart of Wales over the summer period. Transport for Wales are aware that the service passengers have received has not been as good as it should be recently, largely due to challenges with rolling stock alongside some infrastructure failures which are the responsibility of Network Rail. Transport for Wales are committed to delivering improved performance which will be achieved with the increasing roll out of brand new trains across the network.

I have asked Transport for Wales to improve their communication with passengers when services are disrupted. This is especially important on rural routes, such as the Heart of Wales line, with many unstaffed stations, and when bus replacement services may take some time to arrive.