WQ88827 (e) Tabled on 16/08/2023

What efforts have been made to ensure ethnic minority-led groups across Wales are aware of the £455,000 Culture Grant Scheme managed by Diverse Cymru?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 25/08/2023

Diverse Cymru has developed a comprehensive communication plan to ensure information on the Culture Grant Scheme is disseminated effectively across Wales and ethnic minority-led organisations are fully aware of the Scheme. 

A variety of methods have been employed by Diverse Cymru to publicise the scheme across Wales including social media and directly e-mailing the Grant Scheme materials and application forms to groups who had expressed an interest in the scheme. Diverse Cymru has also planned a series of online engagement sessions to provide prospective applicants further information on the Scheme.

On 3 August I issued a Written Statement on the Culture Grant Scheme. 

Both Diverse Cymru and Welsh Government will monitor take up of the Scheme by ethnic minority groups and organisations across Wales and ensure where geographical gaps emerge these are addressed appropriately through targeted measures.