WQ88799 (e) Tabled on 09/08/2023

Does the Minister have any plans to introduce a multi-element VHF beam antenna to resolve/mitigate fluttering of TV signals, within the Y Bryn windfarm sphere of influence, affecting people in Ogmore?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 21/08/2023

Policy 18 of Future Wales requires that any new development should have no unacceptable adverse impacts by way of shadow flicker, noise, reflected light, air quality or electromagnetic disturbance. Electromagnetic disturbance could include an impact upon the TV signal.

The Developments of National Significance process is the appropriate mechanism through which to consider this issue in relation to the Y Bryn windfarm proposal.

It is important that Welsh Minister’s do not prejudge the proposal or specific aspects of it in advance of the established planning process, and for this reason no comment is offered on the requirement or otherwise for the multi-element VHF beam antenna referred to in the question.

The developer of Y Bryn windfarm has set out an approach for investigation and alleviation of potential disruption to television and radio services as a result of the development. You can view the report here.