WQ88720 (e) Tabled on 19/07/2023

Will the Minister outline how different experiences of homelessness across protected characteristics are informing new rapid re-housing plans in Welsh local authorities to ensure people have the best chance to sustain a new home?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 26/07/2023

Welsh Government’s Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan Guidance sets out key themes which should be taken into account by all local authorities when developing their plans. This includes the importance of taking a person centred approach when assessing the support needs of each individual to ensure everyone is able to maintain their tenancy.   

It is the duty of a local authority, under the Equality Act 2010 to have regard for protected groups, as such local authorities should routinely undertake Equality Impact Assessments to ensure policies, including their Rapid Rehousing Transition plans, comply with this duty. 

You may also wish to be aware of research carried out by Tai Pawb, supported by the Welsh Government, focused on experiences of homelessness of people with protected characteristics in Wales.  This work is informing our review of homelessness legislation and helping to progress the Programme for Government commitment to reform housing law and implement the Homelessness Action Group’s recommendation to fundamentally reform homelessness services to focus on prevention and rapid rehousing.