WQ88214 (e) Tabled on 16/05/2023

What information, besides PISA results, does the Welsh Government regularly refer to when analysing reading and literacy skills in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 26/05/2023

Our understanding of how reading and wider literacy skills are developing across Wales is informed by Estyn reports and thematic reviews, such as the recent report on developing pupils’ English reading skills from 10-14 years of age. Where available, teacher assessment and exams data are also published at a national level for consideration.  Our understanding at a national level in comparison with other UK nations and internationally is derived from PISA. 

For learners in years 2 to 9, all schools have feedback on their reading skills from online personalised assessments, which they use to support teaching and learning at an individual and class level. Information on progress builds up assessment by assessment as learners move through school, allowing learners to see their own progress and teachers to review development over time and to plan next steps.