WQ87414 (e) Tabled on 07/02/2023

Will the Minister provide an update on the action being taken by the Welsh Government to improve road safety on the A494 Trunk Road in Llanferres?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 14/02/2023

We routinely review speed data and personal injury collision data to inform the need for road safety engineering measures to improve compliance with the speed limit. We will be collecting speed data later this year on the A494 at Llanferres and when received, we will share the data with GoSafe who are responsible for speed enforcement and undertake a review of the existing speed limit signing, to understand what we can do to improve compliance. 

We are also presently updating the Setting Local Speed Limits in Wales guidance to reflect current Welsh Government policy including the national roll-out of 20mph speed limits and to meet the ambitions highlighted in Llwybr Newydd: the Wales Transport Strategy 2021. This work may see a change in the criteria for lower speed limits in Wales. We will review the speed limits across the trunk road network, following publication of the guidance.