WQ86866 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2022

Will the Minister outline the financial impact that restrictions on the placement and promotions regulations outlined in the healthy food environment consultation may have on lower income households; and outline any plans to mitigate this impact in the context of a cost-of-living crisis?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing | Answered on 05/12/2022

The impact of any proposals on the cost of living has been considered throughout the consultation and the questions which have been asked. Inclusive public engagement has been undertaken with a range of socio-economic groups. We want to incentivise the food industry to make their healthier products more accessible through more product promotions that include such healthier products. If we can achieve this and deliver a shift to healthy promotions, we will make important steps in decreasing health inequalities, particularly among those on the lowest incomes.

We published a Regulatory Impact Assessment alongside the consultation to consider specific economic impacts.

The consultation on the Healthy Food Environment closed on 1 September. I will be publishing a summary of consultation responses later this month. I intend to announce the next steps in Spring 2023, alongside a further consultation around enforcement.

My officials have spoken with several trade bodies, such as the Welsh Retail Consortium and engaged with a number of businesses. We have also held a specific engagement session where industry representatives were invited to attend. This has taken place alongside direct engagement with the public across events such as the Royal Welsh Show.

We are considering support for businesses as part of any proposals, and specific questions were included in the consultation on support required within the food business sector. Responses to these questions will be considered in the development of a final approach, to be set out in the Spring.