WQ86596 (e) Tabled on 09/11/2022

What is the Welsh Government doing to tackle the problem of bullying in schools?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 17/11/2022

Challenging bullying within education is a priority. We are committed to equality of opportunity and equity of provision, ensuring all our learners are properly supported to achieve their full potential.

It is imperative that children and young people are taught – at home and in school – about building and maintaining respectful relationships. This is the cornerstone on which positive behaviour is based and will help to build more stable communities.

Rights, respect, equality’ provides statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools and local authorities to help address and prevent bullying in education settings in Wales. It outlines our expectations for schools to:

  • Take a proactive and holistic approach to prevent bullying;
  • Have an anti-bullying policy linking to school policies including behaviour and safeguarding;
  • Record and monitor incidents of bullying to help take pro-active steps to challenge bullying; and
  • Regularly review anti-bullying policies and strategies in collaboration with learners at least every three years.

It also includes advisory guidance for children, young people and their parents/carers to help those affected by bullying, outlining rights and responsibilities.

To support the practical implementation of the guidance we have produced an online toolkit playlist of resources. Published on Hwb, our educational digital platform, these resources include factsheets, supplementary guidance, incident recording template forms and best practice case examples to help local authorities and schools challenge bullying.

We fund Kidscape and the Anti-Bullying Alliance to provide training for teachers, leaders and school governors specifically on anti-bullying.

We also fund the Anti-Bullying Alliance to deliver Anti-Bullying Week. This year it takes place on 14-18 November and I urge all of our schools across Wales to use the full range of bilingual resources which are available.

We recognise it is vital that we continue to promote the safe and positive use of technology and online safety to our children and young people – the ‘Keeping safe online’ area of Hwb provides support for children and young people with ‘Online issues and worries’. The area was co-produced with children and young people and focuses on a wide range of online issues, including online bullying. It provides practical advice on what to do if they are affected, how to report and where they can access further support.