WQ86513 (e) Tabled on 31/10/2022

What ring-fenced funding and what other generic funding for autism spectrum conditions does the Welsh Government provide, and to which bodies?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Social Services | Answered on 07/11/2022

For 2022-23 the Welsh Government has made available the following funding for autism spectrum conditions, some of which will form part of wider allocations across neurodevelopmental conditions.


Regional Partnership Boards                 £3m Regional Integration Fund - to support the Integrated Autism Service.


Regional Partnership Boards                  £1.4m to support the delivery of the  neurodevelopmental conditions improvement programme.


NHS Delivery Unit                                  £0.077m to support the delivery of the neurodevelopmental conditions improvement programme.


Welsh Local Government Association     £0.624m to support the National Autism (ND) Team.


National Autistic Society                         £0.0604m – Social Services Third Sector Grant Scheme


Autism Spectrum Connections Cymru     £0.300m Social Services Third Sector Grant Scheme.