WQ86193 (e) Tabled on 03/10/2022

Will the Minister outline the progress made in getting GPs back to face-to-face appointments?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 10/10/2022

From the outset of the pandemic, GP practices made adaptions to how they delivered essential services. The introduction of remote consultations kept both patients and staff safe and minimised in-person contact when the infection rate was at its highest. During this time, GP practices still offered face-to-face appointments where necessary, making the appropriate arrangements for patients to attend the practice.

In July 2021, as restrictions lifted and demand for services increased, a joint letter was sent to the GP profession from Welsh Government, GPC Wales and the health boards, outlining the expectation that patients can access both face-to-face appointments and remote consultations at their local practice.

In December 2021, I announced changes to improve how patients are able to access GP services via a new GMS access commitment, which came into effect in April 2022. Within this commitment, practices are required to offer a blended model of access, including the continuation of face-to-face appointments, as well as increasing the range of options available to patients when seeking GP services.

However, it is important to note that the decision to offer a face-to-face appointment is ultimately down to the clinical judgement of the GP, who takes into account the patient’s medical history and consideration of any wider needs.