WQ84569 (e) Tabled on 17/02/2022

Will the Minister detail the conversations she has had with the interim clinical programme director for the National Clinical Framework since last year?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 01/03/2022

My senior officials meet the interim clinical programme director frequently; he is also a core member of a steering group which oversees the implementation approach to the National Clinical Framework (NCF). A paper was recently taken to the executive director team meeting on this matter. In addition, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales has recently asked the interim clinical programme director to undertake a piece of work looking at the potential for establishing a Wales vascular community of support network.

I will meet the interim clinical director soon. He has been present at a meeting I had with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Wales on 15 September and he attended the Virtual Planned Care Summit on 4 November.