WQ84517 (e) Tabled on 14/02/2022

What guidance, if any, does the Minister adhere to when dealing with a holding request, such as that issued for Model Farm in Rhoose?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 24/02/2022

Directions made under Article 18(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 are issued by officials.  They are only issued where the proposed development is likely to raise planning issues of more than local importance. 

Such Directions prevent the grant of planning permission by Local Planning Authorities until they are withdrawn, and are used to enable sufficient time for Ministers to consider call-in requests, or applications which have been notified to the Welsh Ministers under the various Notification Directions. 

Details on the procedure followed for the issuing of these Directions, and general guidance on the call-in process, is available on the Welsh Government’s website at https://gov.wales/calling-planning-applications-guidance-html#section-80296