WQ84271 (e) Tabled on 18/01/2022

What is the sickness and absence rates of the social care workforce per local authority in Wales for the most recent period for which figures are available and what percentage of the workforce does this represent?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Social Services | Answered on 26/01/2022

Further to WQ84267, in regards to individual local authorities, the data provided from local authorities shows that absence is highest in Swansea and Merthyr Tydfil, with the lowest rates in Anglesey. The highest rates of absence were reported to be 18.2% and the lowest at 4.7%.

It should be noted that this data is not validated or tested. As such, it is not in the public domain and each local authority may record their workforce and absence in a different way. It is also not possible to distinguish between front-line and back office staff in this data, and anecdotally, reports suggest front-line staff have a higher rate of absence.