WQ84121 (e) Tabled on 17/12/2021

Will the Minister provide an update on the Anthem, Music Fund Wales?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip | Answered on 23/12/2021

The Anthem board has approved an ambitious business plan for 2021-24, setting out the organisations aims, key activities, and current financial context. David Alston, one of the original Trustees and formerly Director of Arts at Arts Council of Wales, is the current chair; Rhian Hutchings has been appointed as Chief Executive. There are plans to recruit a new chair during 2022/23.

A fundraising committee is working to bring new funding and resources, to build and develop upon the initial endowment seed funding. An experienced fundraising officer has been appointed, resulting in a number of funding applications being submitted. A bid to the Postcode Community Trust was successful and will contribute £17,260 to Anthem’s Youth Forum project. Decisions are awaited from a number of other applications. 

Anthem’s Youth Forum is established and active in helping to realise future ambitions. The direct involvement and engagement of children and young people, Anthem’s beneficiaries, is fundamental to the charity’s vision and operations. 

Anthem’s Atsain fund, was launched in December 2021.  Atsain will support music organisations and address barriers to music for young people in Wales. Those barriers may arise due to life circumstances, geographical issues, identity, or background.  Anthem’s own financial commitment is backed by investment from Youth Music with funds from the People’s Postcode Lottery. The funding will allow organisations to create new programmes of work or create projects in specific contexts to address young people’s needs and the barriers they face.

Anthem continues to be an active participant in the Covid-19 Music Support Group run by Creative Wales, the Music Education Stakeholder Group led by the Welsh Government Education Directorate and the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) Conference on music education.