WQ84051 (e) Tabled on 07/12/2021

What action is the Welsh Government taking to address light pollution and nuisance in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 14/12/2021

Light Pollution is covered within Planning Policy Wales and planning authorities are required to give due regard to this document when considering planning applications.  Planning authorities should adopt policies for lighting, including the control of light pollution, in their development plans. Planning authorities can attach conditions to planning permissions for new developments that include the design and operation of lighting systems, for example, requiring energy-efficient design and to prevent light pollution.

The Welsh Government, through Designated Landscapes and Countryside Access (previously Landscapes and Outdoor Recreation), has provided over £500,000 between 2019 and 2022 (21-22 FY) to the 3 National Park Authorities and 5 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty across the 25% of Wales that they cover, to deliver projects focussed on reducing light pollution in Dark Skies areas and educating the public about their value.

Under Section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, local authority environmental health departments have a duty to investigate complaints of artificial light from premises, which is prejudicial to health or a nuisance. If they establish a statutory nuisance exists, they must issue an abatement notice.