WQ83773 (e) Tabled on 03/11/2021

What action is the Minister taking to ensure that productive agricultural land is protected from being used for housing development?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 09/11/2021

National planning policy provides a robust framework for ensuring productive agricultural land is protected from being used for housing development through Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and Future Wales - The National Plan 2040.

PPW sets a clear preference for the use of suitable and sustainable previously developed land within existing settlements, contains strong policy against development of housing in the open countryside and seeks to conserve the Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Agricultural Land as a finite resource for the future. It requires that local planning authorities undertake a search sequence when preparing local development plans to prioritise the allocation of suitable and sustainable sites.

BMV agricultural land should only be developed if there is an overriding need for development and other suitable land is not available. My officials are actively engaging with local planning authorities across Wales at an early stage in developing their local development plans to ensure BMV policy is fully considered.  The Welsh Government will object to development proposals that are contrary to PPW and the national agricultural interest.