WQ83725 (e) Tabled on 27/10/2021

What action is the Welsh Government taking to combat climate change in the Monmouth constituency?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 03/11/2021

Over the past five years we have provided more than £10.2m to Monmouthshire Council to support local decarbonisation projects. We have made further funding available to improve the active travel provision in the area.

This year, we have awarded the council £2.6m under the Active Travel Fund, of which £982,534 has been allocated to the Monmouth Town Active Travel Programme.

In addition to finance, we have put strong structures in place to support delivery of the council’s Net Zero Action Plan. This includes the Partnership Council, the Local Government Decarbonisation Strategy Panel and the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) decarbonisation support programme.

I am committed to supporting local organisations in their actions to tackle climate change and this is recognised in the recently-launched Net Zero Wales Plan. The plan introduced 123 government policies and proposals co-developed with local organisations through a Team Wales approach, as collective effort is required to deliver actions which lead to a greener, stronger, fairer future.