WQ82982 (e) Tabled on 16/07/2021

Further to discussions in Plenary on 30 June 2021 regarding phosphates, will the Minister outline when the special areas of conservation (SAC) management oversight group was set up, and provide a list of its representatives?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 26/07/2021

The first meeting of the SAC Management Oversight Group took place on 26 May 2021. The meeting was chaired by a senior Welsh Government official and included representatives of relevant policy departments.  


The following organisations were also invited:


·       Natural Resources Wales

·       Planning Officers Society Wales

·       Home Builders Federation

·       Federation of Master Builders

·       Dŵr Cymru  / Welsh Water

·       Hafren Dyfrdwy

·       Ofwat

·       Chairs of the Wales Water Management Forum

·       Chairs of the Wales Land Management agricultural pollution sub-group


The next meeting of the Oversight Group will be convened in the early autumn.