WQ82179 (e) Tabled on 01/03/2021

Will the Minister confirm which Welsh universities have adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, and what action will be taken against universities that have not done so?

Answered by Minister for Education | Answered on 11/03/2021

As universities are autonomous bodies, the Government does not hold such information centrally.

However, higher education institutions have a duty to ensure freedom of speech and academic freedom, but they must carry out their functions in full recognition of their obligations under their Public Sector Equality Duty. I expect them to discharge those responsibilities fully and to have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure students and staff are safeguarded and that they act within the law. I also expect them to act swiftly to address any instances of hate crime, including antisemitism. Any action or campaign against individuals, groups or a country that can be construed as anti-Semitic is unacceptable.