WQ82053 (e) Tabled on 03/02/2021

Given the role that unlicensed dog breeders operating both legally and illegally in Wales play in supplying third-party dealers in the UK, how will the Welsh Government support local authorities to ensure such unlicensed breeders comply with new legislation around not supplying puppies to third parties for sale?

Answered by Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs | Answered on 10/02/2021

Preliminary discussions about integrating training has already taken place with the project lead for the Local Authority Dog Breeding Enforcement Project.  I am pleased to say the feedback from Local Authorities who have already attended training as part of the Project has been very positive. Officials will continue developing this as an option going forward and, of course, prior to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021 coming in to force. Guidance will also be produced for Local Authorities.