WQ81981 (e) Tabled on 26/01/2021

Does Welsh Government collect information from health boards in Wales about the decisions they are taking regarding which services to suspend in order to deal with COVID-19, and will it share the latest information?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 05/02/2021

The Welsh Government does not routinely collect information from health boards regarding the detailed suspension of services to deal with COVID-19. 

Before Christmas, I published a written statement and a framework, which gave support to NHS organisations to take local decisions and action to continue to provide care and support to the most vulnerable people in our communities on the basis of local circumstances.

If health boards have taken local decisions to suspend some services to deal with COVID-19, I would expect these to be reviewed on a regular basis and to communicate any decisions with their local populations. Service decisions can change on a daily basis as pressures change.

The chief executive of NHS Wales is in close contact with all health board and NHS trust chief executives about actions taken to manage local pressures.