WQ81124 (e) Tabled on 25/09/2020

What representations has the Minister made to the UK Government in relation to proposals for a new law designed to prevent forests and other important natural areas from being converted illegally in to agricultural land?

Answered by Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs | Answered on 30/09/2020

In September I wrote to Rebecca Pow MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Environment for Defra, who is leading on this area of work for the UK Government.  The consultation on the introduction of due diligence requirements on companies trading in the UK, to reduce the risk of illegal deforestation and land conversion within their supply chains was launched on 25 August. 

My letter confirmed Welsh Government support for this consultation to be undertaken as a priority to allow the UK Government to consider whether and how to respond through legislation before COP26.  I have asked for my officials to be involved in reviewing any future legislative requirements to ensure the issue of devolved competence is fully considered.