WQ80922 (e) Tabled on 12/08/2020

What action is the Welsh Government taking to ensure that adequate regional data is available in Wales to assist in tackling modern day slavery and people trafficking?

Answered by Deputy Minister and Chief Whip | Answered on 19/08/2020

Modern Slavery is a Reserved matter. The Home Office (Single Competent Authority) publishes data via the National Referral Mechanism (NRM). Statistics and data is disaggregated at country level for the UK as a whole.

The Crown Prosecution Service, which covers Wales and England, publishes data on the level and disposal of all criminal cases, including those crimes linked to Modern Slavery. Both the Home Office and the Crown Prosecution Service publish this data on their respective public facing web-sites.

The Welsh Government’s Anti-Slavery Co-ordinator is heavily involved in ensuring data appropriate to this serious issue is cascaded in a timely manner to our key partners across Wales.