WQ80919 (e) Tabled on 12/08/2020

Further to the Independent Dental Association Wales (IDAW) letter on 4 August 2020, will the Minister consider the call from the IDAW to ensure that representation from the group is appointed to the clinical leads group that reports to the Chief Dental Officer?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 26/08/2020

The Welsh Dental Committee (WDC) is the statutory and independent group which advises the Welsh Government on all aspects of oral health and dentistry. I understand the Chief Dental Officer has formally asked the Chair of WDC to consider extending an invitation to IDAW for representation on the Committee. The WDC represents all sectors of dentistry and oral health in Wales and I meet regularly with WDC leads.

The Chief Dental Officer has also agreed to share all announcements, information and advice on dentistry issued or shared by the Welsh Government directly with IDAW.