WQ80451 (e) Tabled on 28/05/2020

What modelling has the Senedd Commission undertaken to ensure the Welsh Parliament can reopen and comply with social distancing guidelines?

Answered by Senedd Commission | Answered on 10/06/2020

The Senedd Commission is preparing detailed plans and arrangements for a return to the estate. This work is guided by the most recent advice from Welsh Government and Public Health Wales on creating a safe environment and maintaining social distancing. Particular work is ongoing in the Senedd and Tŷ Hywel on signage, arrangements to keep safe separation distances in all areas, and for hand sanitisation. Inevitably, maintaining the current 2m social distancing guidance will mean that only a limited number of building users will be able to attend the estate at any one time. The Senedd Commission will be discussing these arrangements at its meeting on 15 June.