WAQ71113 (e) Tabled on 04/10/2016

How does the Welsh Government intend to evaluate the impact of 'Add to Your Life'?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport | Answered on 11/10/2016

Figures detailing the number of completed Add to Your Life assessments between April 2014 and February 2016 are included below.

Month Completed Assessments Uncompleted
Apr – 14 878 665 1543
May – 14 1051 1009 2060
Jun – 14 406 380 786
Jul – 14 447 421 868
Aug – 14 379 457 836
Sept – 14 313 369 682
Oct – 14 511 460 971
Nov – 14 517 542 1059
Dec – 14 360 305 665
Jan – 15 707 505 1212
Feb – 15 693 1983 2676
Mar – 15 1104 1173 2277
Apr – 15 560 438 998
May – 15 510 322 832
June – 15 557 383 940
Jul – 15 1343 1283 2626
Aug – 15 445 173 618
Sept – 15 401 201 602
Oct – 15 531 321 852
Nov – 15 240 123 363
Dec – 15 218 99 317
Jan – 16 420 166 586
Feb - 16 348 261 609
  12939 12039 24978

Whilst  Add to Your Life is an online assessment, telephone support is offered by NHS Direct for people without access to the internet, or who need support to complete the assessment. However, all assessments have been completed online without the need for telephone support. There is no cost for the telephone support which is delivered as part of the NHS Direct's core business.

The total cost for the development and delivery of Add to Your Life is £1.2 million over the financial years 2012-2016. This includes the development and testing of the website, formative evaluation, project management and all marketing costs.  The development and testing of the online tool accounts for around 60% of total costs and were incurred in 2013-2015. On-going delivery costs are significantly lower, for instance less than £70,000 in 2015-16.

A formative evaluation of the early implementation of Add to Your Life was published in January 2015.  The learning from the formative evaluation and feedback from users has informed the further development of Add to Your Life:

There is good evidence that tailoring information to individuals is more effective than other approaches, and Add to Your Life is a good example of a tailored information approach.  Public Health Wales is reviewing its approach to providing information for the public with a view to better supporting people to take more control of their own health and wellbeing.  The lessons learnt from Add to Your Life are forming a key part of that review. 

The recommendations will be included within a refreshed strategic approach to the provision of health information for the public.