WAQ79925 (e) Tabled on 20/04/2020

Will the First Minister provide an update on the action being taken to prevent loneliness in the face of the current coronavirus advice?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 30/04/2020

Our recently launched “Looking Out For Each Other Safely” campaign provides advice on how we can maintain our social networks and draw on support through friends, family, neighbours and others by keeping regular contact with loved ones through e-mail, social media, video conference, telephone, internet and instant messenger.

To help those who are not confident in using digital technology, Digital Communities Wales is providing webinars and where possible telephone, email and video support for frontline staff, volunteers, friends and families to ensure they can make the most of technology to stay in touch during the pandemic. Additionally we have funded the translation of Learn My Way  a basic digital skills on-line platform which includes courses to enable individuals to develop digital skills at a pace and location convenient to them, for free.

We have also provided funding of £800,000 for the supply of digital devices for carers, care homes and hospices to allow them to access medical video consultation services but also to help those they care for keep in touch with family and friends.

However, we recognise not everyone is on-line and for many of our older population their usual source of social contact is no longer available. We have therefore provided funding of £400,000 during 2021-21 to establish a national telephone befriending service. This will be delivered by Age Cymru. 

We are providing  £24m for the Welsh Government Third Sector Covid-19 Response Fund to support charities and the third sector through the Covid-19 crisis. The funding will provide direct financial support to charities and third sector organisations to help pay bills and ease cash-flow.  It will also support organisations in the community, including helping people to stay connected and to co-ordinate the massive volunteer response we have seen across Wales.