WAQ79508 (e) Tabled on 27/02/2020

When will the findings of the review of the direct payments and CHC interface be published?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 13/03/2020

This is a complex area which spans healthcare and social care providers.  However, at the heart of this review will be the experiences and views of people, many of whom I have already heard from directly about the challenges they experience with the current approach. 

It is important that any reforms we propose are supported by service users and professionals, which is why the scoping phase of this work, which is underway, is important.  My officials are currently taking soundings from all interested stakeholders in order to formulate a plan for the review.

As this scoping phase is completed I will be in a position to set a timetable for the review.  I will then continue to keep Assembly Members updated on the progress.