WAQ79423 (e) Tabled on 10/02/2020

What is the Welsh Government doing to increase clinical training places in line with present and future patient need?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 19/02/2020

Health Education and Improvement Wales develop a national education and commissioning plan for the health workforce. The plan includes recommendations for the future education and training for the medical and wider health professional workforce. In developing the plan, HEIW agreed with Welsh Government that the recommendations would be based on the workforce need having taken into account:

    • information from NHS organisations IMTP’s (previous three years),
    • workforce modelling and wider available workforce intelligence
    • Welsh Government strategic direction (A Healthier Wales) and wider policy requirements,
    • capacity within the system to support training/student/trainees,
    • opportunities to transform the workforce through innovation/new roles and new ways of working.

Following submission of the plan for 20/21, funding to support health professional education and training in Wales will increase for the sixth consecutive year. £127.8m will be invested in 2020/21, this equates to a 13% increase from 19/20 which is an extra £15m for education and training programmes for healthcare professionals in Wales.

This Government has, and will continue to invest in the workforce required to support our health system in Wales.