WAQ79295 (w) Tabled on 08/01/2020

What guidance or direction has been given to planning authorities in terms of revising local development plans in light of the Assembly's declaration of a climate emergency?

Answered by Minister for Housing and Local Government | Answered on 16/01/2020

The Welsh Government’s guidance is contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW).  The current edition of PPW was published in December 2018 a few months before the Assembly’s declaration of the climate emergency.  PPW contains up to date robust policies to address the causes and effects of climate change and sets a clear framework for the revision of local development plans (LDPs).

PPW’s comprehensive and ambitious policy framework is highly relevant to addressing the climate emergency.  It promotes future settlement patterns where the scale and location of development creates a balance between new homes and jobs to minimise the use of private transport.  PPW severely restricts the extraction of new fossil fuel whilst promoting the development of renewable energy.  It establishes a transport hierarchy which limits the use of private motor vehicles and promotes walking and cycling.  Robust policy guidance is provided on flooding ensuring that highly vulnerable development is not located on floodplains whilst making sure that causes of flooding are mitigated.  PPW provides clarity about the need for biodiversity enhancement, ecosystem resilience and green infrastructure.  Principles of the circular economy the sustainable management of natural resources are embedded into the document.

It is the responsibility of each local planning authority to determine the scope and content of their LDP, in line with national policy.  The Welsh Government comments on LDPs informed by our national planning policy.  Formal objections are made where national policy is not adequately addressed.