WAQ78941 (e) Tabled on 10/10/2019

What progress has been made in developing a suicide postvention pathway for Wales?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 16/10/2019

In 2019/20 1500 copies of the Help is at Hand resource have been reprinted.  These have been issued directly to Local Health Boards, a number of third sector organisations and Public Health Wales for dissemination to wider stakeholders.

Further to my answer to WAQ78938 and WAQ78939, once we know the outcome of the bereavement services review, we will work with the National Advisory Group for Suicide and Self-Harm and the newly appointed national and regional co-ordinators to develop a national postvention pathway for Wales.

I will be providing the National Assembly’s Health and Social Care Committee with a full update on the progress against the recommendations within the “Everybody’s Business” report in due course.