WAQ78869 (w) Tabled on 23/09/2019

How many jobs in the NHS currently focus specifically on breastfeeding in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 03/10/2019

Breastfeeding is a core competency for all trained midwives and health visitors which enables the provision of holistic care and support to a woman and her family.  As of 30 September 2018 there were 1362 (full time equivalent) registered midwives and 875 (full time equivalent) health visitors in Wales; support is also provided by trained support staff and peer breastfeeding supporters.  Each health board has specialist multi-skilled teams to provide enhanced support as evidenced in table below.

Aneurin Bevan UHB

6.5 wte


(6,376 births annually, according to National Community Child Health Database 2017)


Betsi Cadwaladr UHB

1.6 wte plus 2 Community midwives with advanced breastfeeding training that provide rapid support within the community midwifery services specifically focused on the first 10 days.


(6,981 births annually, according to National Community Child Health Database 2017)


Cardiff & Vale UHB

Midwifery hours = 1.54 wte

Midwifery support worker hours = 4.76 wte


(5,530 births annually, according to National Community Child Health Database 2017)


Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB

1.5 wte infant feeding coordinators and a number of local champions.


(4,800 births annually, according to National Community Child Health Database 2017)


Hywel Dda UHB

Midwifery hours = 1 wte


(3,480 births annually, according to National Community Child Health Database 2017)


Powys Teaching HB

0.4 wte plus 8 Midwifery Infant Feeding Champions


(1,109 births annually, according to National Community Child Health Database 2017)


Swansea Bay UHB

0.5 wte plus a dedicated champion in each community team


(3,823 births annually, according to National Community Child Health Database 2017)