WAQ78833 (e) Tabled on 13/09/2019

Will the Minister state what action the Welsh Government has been taken to monitor usage of the £40m allocated to local authorities to help bring empty properties back into use, and whether the strategy will be reconsidered, given the 40 per cent increase in empty privately-owned homes in Wales since 2010?

Answered by Minister for Housing and Local Government | Answered on 19/09/2019

Local Authorities report quarterly to Welsh Government on the usage of the £40m allocation to bring empty properties back into use and assist owner occupiers to improve their homes. Through this fund, we are on track to achieve our target of bringing 5,000 empty homes back into use during this Assembly term.  At the end of the 2018/19 financial year, according to Data Cymru figures, Welsh Government has brought 4,899 empty homes into use.

We are aware that most local authorities are delivering this programme successfully, with requests for further funds being processed. Where others are struggling, Welsh Government are working closely with them to rectify this.

I do not propose to reconsider the strategy at this time, however, my officials are actively considering changing the parameters of the loans to give local authorities more flexibility to deliver more loans and bring more empty properties back into use.