WAQ78813 (w) Tabled on 04/09/2019

If the Welsh Government does have an action plan to overcome the risk outlined in page 59 of its consolidated accounts that there will not be sufficient capacity to fulfill 'A Healthier Wales' and the risk that extra funding could be absorbed in order to maintain the existing unsustainable approaches, could details of the plan be provided?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 19/09/2019

The initial risks highlighted in relation to resources to support the delivery of A Healthier Wales have been addressed through the establishment of a core transformation programme team within the Health and Social Services Group, close engagement with NHS and social care delivery organisations, a programme budget of up to £10 million to support delivery of actions in A healthier Wales, and a £100 million Transformation Fund to support the adoption of new models of seamless health and social care.  Additionally the Welsh Government issued revised framework and guidance issued to NHS organisations as part of the 2019-22 Integrated Medium Term Plan process, so that current plans take account of resource requirements and funding requirements.

The Cabinet considered an update on progress against A Healthier Wales in July and this paper has been published on the Welsh Government website.  There are robust mechanisms in place to monitor allocated funds to NHS Wales and to local government.  Health services are already under unprecedented pressure, and a disorderly no-deal Brexit would have a further impact.  The Welsh Government is committed to supporting transformational change in order to make our health and care services resilient and sustainable.