WAQ78793 (e) Tabled on 04/09/2019

What was the estimated and budgeted associated total cost of the recall of the National Assembly in 2016 to debate the steel industry crisis?

Answered by Assembly Commission | Answered on 16/09/2019

The Assembly was recalled on Monday, 4 April 2016. This date fell into financial year 2016-17.

The additional cost to the Assembly Commission of recalling the National Assembly arose from overtime payments to staff.  Overtime was necessary to prepare Siambr Hywel for this sitting.  The Senedd was not available owing to scheduled refurbishment. The cost was £1,238.47.

Additional costs, totalling £821.24, were incurred by Members for travel (funded from the Remuneration Board’s Determination).

Information on individual travel claims made by Members returning for this recall are published on the Allowances Database. These costs were funded from the Remuneration Board’s Determination budget rather than from the Assembly Commission’s operational budget.