WAQ78734 (e) Tabled on 14/08/2019

What steps has the Welsh Government taken to update the guidance on supporting learners with healthcare needs since it became statutory in 2017?

Answered by Minister for Education | Answered on 28/08/2019

The ‘Supporting Learners with Healthcare Needs’ guidance was published in March 2017. It provides statutory guidance for governing bodies and local authorities, and advice to those with a supporting role.  Stakeholders played an essential part in the development of this guidance and all local authorities have since confirmed that their healthcare needs policy has been implemented and published online.

Whilst developing the ‘Supporting Learners with Healthcare Needs’ guidance, we identified through stakeholder engagement that it would be beneficial to produce ‘easy-read’ versions of the guidance that are accessible to teachers & support staff, parents and young people.

Following further engagement with relevant stakeholder groups, in 2018 we published three easy-read healthcare needs guides for support teachers and support staff; parents; and young people.  These guides are available on the Welsh Government website.

We currently have no plans to update this guidance but will keep this under review in light of any new information that may emerge that could impact on this policy area.