WAQ78191 (e) Tabled on 29/04/2019

Will the Welsh Government introduce a code of practice for the planning departments of HMOs to include the need for scale drawings and room sizes to be measured?

Answered by Minister for Housing and Local Government | Answered on 08/05/2019

Article 5(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 requires plans and drawings which accompany applications for planning permission to be drawn to an identified scale. Where this information is not provided, Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) may refuse to validate the planning application.  Technical guidance on what is required to submit a valid planning application is contained in the Development Management Manual.

Where information has been provided to satisfy the minimum legal requirements for a valid planning application but the LPA considers supplementary information is required in order to make a fully informed planning decision, they may request additional information from the applicant.