WAQ78021 (w) Tabled on 15/03/2019

Will the Minister explain why each of the 19 apprenticeship and workplace learning providers that receive Welsh Government funding do not comply with the Welsh language standards?

Answered by Minister for Economy and Transport | Answered on 26/03/2019

Seven out of 19 lead providers are Further Education colleges and therefore already fall under the remit of the Welsh Language Standards.


In respect of the remaining 12 providers, although the current Welsh Standards were not in force at the time apprenticeship contract commenced in 2015, all are obliged to have a Welsh language policy in place which supports the development of the language as a skill in the workplace and seeks to increase take up of the language and bilingual training.


Providers must also create an environment where participants can engage with services in their language of choice. In addition, the Welsh Government funds a specialist resource to work with providers throughout the network to enhance the development of the Welsh Language.  

Given the importance of embedding the Standards, we are currently working to ensure these can be incorporated into contracts when they are refreshed in August this year.