WAQ77684 (e) Tabled on 04/01/2019

Where will different medical specialities be based under plans for the Grange University Hospital?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 14/01/2019

The Grange University Hospital will be a purpose-built hospital providing care for people who require complex specialist or critical care. It will include a 24-hour specialist assessment facility, intensive care facilities, comprehensive diagnostic facilities, inpatient beds for major emergencies and complex surgery, plus theatres.  It will also include consultant-led obstetrics and paediatric services.


The Grange University Hospital is the next component in delivering the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Clinical Futures Strategy. It will be a catalyst for change and is central to supporting the wider models of care at both the local general hospitals and in primary and community care across Gwent. The breakdown of the provision of services will be finalised in due course.