WAQ77634 (e) Tabled on 11/12/2018

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide a timetable for the Welsh Government increasing the amount of investment it is making in active travel from £10 per head of population per year to £20 per head of population per year, as recommended by the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport | Answered on 20/12/2018

The draft budget 2019-20 published in October, is the third budget of the Fifth Assembly and falls within the final year of the UK Government’s current Spending Review settlement.  This draft budget sets the Welsh Government’s revenue budget for the period to 2019-20 and the capital budget until 2020-21.


The UK Government has said it will carry out a new Spending Review in 2019. We do not know yet the timing of the Spending Review, the period for which it will set budgets and what impact this will have on the Welsh Government’s budget in the future.


We have successfully made the case for extra capital from central budgets for the establishment of the Active Travel Fund.  This is in addition to funding I make available annually through the Local Transport Fund, Safe Routes in Communities and Road Safety Grant. 


The Active Travel Fund will see an additional £60m allocated to active travel schemes across Wales over this and the coming two financial years, with £10m in 2018-19, £20m in 2019-20 and £30m in 2020-21. Whilst it is not yet at the level that you would like to see, it represents a significant increase, which has to be considered against the context that we also fund active travel improvements from our £5m Safe Routes in Communities Grant, the £31m Local Transport Fund and the £4m Road Safety Grant.


In 2018/19, we have already allocated close to £30m for active travel improvements, most recently with the allocation to schemes benefiting from additional Local Transport Funding this year.