WAQ77501 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2018

Following the Cabinet Secretary's comments in Plenary on 20 November, will she confirm whether officials have investigated these claims and whether work has started at Hendy Wind Farm?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs | Answered on 06/12/2018

Following the debate on the 20 November, as I promised, my officials followed up on this issue immediately.


I understand Development Management Officers at Powys Local Planning Authority have inspected the site. Officers met with the developer, who confirmed the construction compound currently being provided on site is being implemented in accordance with Part 4, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and does not require planning permission.


Powys Local Planning Authority Officers have informed my officials, on the basis of information to date, they currently consider no breach of planning control has occurred. Powys LPA inform us they will continue to monitor the site until satisfied no further monitoring is required.