WAQ77338 (w) Tabled on 26/10/2018

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on progress in relation to achieving action point 6.1 on page 13 of 'Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers - Action Plan 2018-19'?

Answered by Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language | Answered on 07/11/2018

The Welsh Government has seen the internal use of the Welsh language develop within the organisation since the Standards came into force in March 2016, and in response to the action plan in the Welsh language Strategy, Cymraeg 2050: towards a million Welsh speakers.  The requirements of the Standards have been incorporated into the daily work practices of officials, and customers and stakeholders are increasingly aware of the opportunities available to them to deal with the Welsh Government bilingually. Welsh can be seen and heard increasingly across the Welsh Government estate. There are many opportunities available to staff through internal support, weekly lessons and the Work Welsh programme of the National Centre for Learning Welsh to learn Welsh or improve skills. Work will continue over the next months to promote and facilitate the Welsh language internally within the organisation in order to ensure that the Welsh Government’s workforce has opportunities to practise Welsh language skills and work increasingly through the language. The Permanent Secretary has commissioned work on good practice in this area throughout Wales and will be considering next steps for the organisation in terms of ambition and policy over the next few months.