WAQ77037 (e) Tabled on 23/08/2018

Will the Welsh Government amend the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 so that provision of travel arrangements for learners in post-16 education becomes mandatory, and explain whether funding can be made available to help local authorities struggling to meet the cost of this service?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 28/08/2018

The Learner Travel Measure (Wales) 2008 sets out the duties on local authorities regarding transport for learners including providing free transport based on age, distance and aptitude criteria for learners of statutory school age.  Local authorities are able to make additional discretionary transport arrangements for learners in their areas.

Responsibility for effective delivery of services rests with Local Authorities.  The pressures on budgets mean it is more important than ever that Local Authorities must consider how they can best use their resources and work with others to deliver longer term efficiencies so that they can continue to deliver services to their citizens.   

During the consultation and scrutiny stages for the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 concerns about learner transport for post 16 learners with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) were raised. In November 2017 Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education wrote to Lynne Neagle, AM, Chair of Children, Young People and Education Committee (CYPE Committee) and committed the Government to two specific actions.

  • Make revisions to the learner travel guidance and include within the ALN Code, an appropriate degree of guidance on transport (clarification on transport arrangements for learners with additional needs). Both the Code and the revisions made to the learner travel guidance in relation to ALN are to be subject to consultation,
  • A post-implementation review of the Act to check the operation of the transport elements of the new system to consider any issues and decide on any appropriate further action.

This work is now being taken forward.

In addition, since September 2015 all 16 to 18 year olds throughout Wales have been able to receive one-third fare discounts for all bus journeys, including those for educational purposes, under our MyTravelPass scheme.