WAQ76874 (e) Tabled on 17/07/2018

Further to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee's Report ‘I Used to be Someone’, will the First Minister provide an update on how Wales is progressing in becoming in Nation of Sanctuary, and make a statement on his Welsh Government's vision for such a concept being put into practice?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 24/07/2018

The UK Government is responsible for the majority of asylum and immigration policy but the Welsh Government will use all available levers to improve the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in Wales. The draft ‘Nation of Sanctuary Refugee & Asylum Seeker Plan’ reflects the Welsh Government’s commitment to the concept of making Wales a Nation of Sanctuary; to helping people to rebuild their lives here; and to recognising that refugees and asylum seekers have assets which strengthen our country.


The draft plan represents an important step towards this vision but we will need the support and engagement of other key stakeholders, such as the UK Government, Welsh local authorities, the Welsh Refugee Coalition, Welsh communities and people seeking sanctuary to ensure that this plan leads to the positive change we hope to achieve. My officials are currently considering the responses to the Nation of Sanctuary consultation, which recently closed, and we will publish a final plan later this year.