WAQ76866 (e) Tabled on 12/07/2018

What action is the Cabinet Secretary taking to ensure the Welsh grid, especially in Mid and West Wales, will be able to cope with the increased demand on the electricity network when fossil fuelled vehicles are phased out and domestic heating becomes more decarbonised through heat pumps?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs | Answered on 19/07/2018

Future network developments will need to be “smarter”, allowing demand and supply to be better matched locally, enabling both new and existing infrastructure to be used more effectively.  We have convened a group to work with us on solutions to ensure we have a grid suitable to support the low carbon transition. 


As part of this work, we will look specifically at the impact of electric vehicles on the grid. Welsh Government has already made £2 million available for the provision of publicly accessible charging points over the next two years.