WAQ76865 (e) Tabled on 12/07/2018

Is the Cabinet Secretary confident that the Welsh grid, especially in Mid and West Wales, will be able to cope with the increased demand on the electricity network when fossil-fuelled vehicles are phased out and domestic heating becomes more decarbonised through heat pumps?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs | Answered on 19/07/2018

I am committed to ensuring we have a grid which supports our transition to a decarbonised economy, including meeting greater demands for electricity due to electric vehicles and decarbonised heating.


I have met with National Grid and the energy regulator Ofgem to discuss grid issues. We need to ensure their delivery plans include a grid which is fit for purpose and delivers for Wales.  The principal funding mechanism should remain the grid network operators’ eight year business plans as regulated by Ofgem.