In relation to WAQ76525, what specific arrangements/targets are in place with the Ministerial Advisory Group to help monitor progress of the National Approach to Statutory Advocacy?

Answered by Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care | Answered on 01/06/2018

The Ministerial Advisory Group established a Task and Finish Group (T&FG) in February 2018 to drive forward implementation and ensure monitoring of the National Approach to Statutory Advocacy for children and young people.


The T&FG is chaired by the Director of Social Services & Integration, Welsh Government. Membership is made up of individuals and organisations that have expertise in this area; each brings their practical experience and knowledge to the group.


The T&FG is reviewing the effectiveness of the National Approach to Advocacy for Children and Young People. It is identifying what has worked well in its implementation, any barriers that exist as well as contributing to further development of the National Approach.


It contributes to ministerial advice on progress of the National Approach to the Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care. The work of the T&FG has been integrated into the Ministerial Advisory Group’s work programme, which is reviewed at each of its quarterly meeting.