WAQ76358 (w) Tabled on 16/04/2018

Following his written statement on 19 March 2018, will the Cabinet Secretary publish the details of the amendments to the provision of primary care in Welsh which are expected from him following the amendments to the general medical services contract for 2018/2019?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services | Answered on 25/04/2018

As part of the General Medical Services contract agreement for 2018/19 a baseline of Welsh Language provision will be identified at a cluster level which will provide a better understanding of the current availability of Welsh Language provision.


The General Practitioners Committee (Wales), the GP’s representative body, also agreed to the Welsh Language duties being placed on GPs, from the proposed date of 1 April 2019.  This will be via the relevant regulations as outlined in the answer provided to you in my response to WAQ76360, WAQ76361 and WAQ76362.